BELL Spider-Man Shooting and Swinging Toddler Bike Helmet, (3-5 yrs.)
19-11-2024Fits big. Bought for 6 year old and the straps dont get tight enough to keep it from wobbling. Or maybe too small to fit on head right? Either way. Very cool. He loves it...sadly does not fit safely... pretty disappointed.
Alexis Daniel
> 3 dayI’m very satisfied. The product is high-quality and worth the money.
Elizabeth cox
> 3 dayMy grandson loves everything Spider-Man he was so happy and surprised when he got it! Like many of his gifts I had to make sure it was sturdy and did the job of protecting him. I found it to be a good buy
> 3 dayIf you have a 7 year old just get a bigger helmet. Bought this to go along with a spiderman skateboard. To me the helmet runs a little small and I think 6-7 year olds would just be better off getting a bigger sized helmet. But it may also depends on the size of their heads. The value and quality of the helmet for amount paid was relatively decent. The helmet is lightweight so that is also a plus. But because its smaller than anticipated its not that comfortable of a fit.
Kaila Garcia
> 3 dayMy son loves spiderman and this helmet is amazing! It had fast shipping and it came perfect! I love it and cant wait till he unwrap it on Christmas!
Jan Ruppel
Greater than one weekMy grandson loved it!
Deborah J McGivern
> 3 dayThis helmet was purchased for a 3 year old. We ordered the size based on his age but had to return as it was too small. The 5-8 year old size is perfect! It’s comfortable for him to wear.
. Felix
> 3 dayThis is a cool helmet and my grandson really likes it. However, it is too small for his 8 yr old head. I really wish that there was a size large. Unfortunately, it has to be returned.
Crystal Prentice
> 3 dayMy 5 year old son loves this helmet! The design is super cute and it’s well put together, not uncomfortable and most importantly keeps him safe
> 3 dayMy grandson is 2yo and this helmet fit perfectly in his head. All other helmets that claimed to be his size fit to big. Very happy with this purchase.