CELOID Kids Bicycle Helmet, Adjustable Toddler Skateboard Helmet for 3-5-8year Girls Boys for Multi-Sport Road Bike Riding Skateboarding Roller Skating Scooter Rollerblade Balance Bike
> 24 hourMy son loves it. Fits great. Love that you can adjust it so easily
Kelly Sims
> 24 hourThis helmet was perfect for my daughter! Easy to tighten/loosen and fit to her head. Wasn’t too big or wobbly or heavy on her head!
> 24 hourSuper cute toddler helmet
Eric Vernon Pierce
> 24 hourGreat helmet for my 8 year old!
> 24 hourMy son loves it. He had another brand that made him sweat but this one he really likes and uses it almost everyday
> 24 hourMy 5 year old needed an upgrade from the helmet that had served us well since her toddler days. I was so pleased to find a bigger size that still had the adjusting wheel in the back. I wish it had the extra pad on the strap covering the snap (between her chin and the snap) but overall it is great. Just what we were looking for.
> 24 hourthe helmet was true to fit and it very sturdy. enjoy the purchase
veronica mccall
> 24 hourVery solid while still adorable!
> 24 hourI bought this for my 7 year old. This helmet came nicely package, great color, & had a carrying bag for it, but it didnt fit my daughters head. It was to tight. Sadly, my daughter wasnt able to use it, but I did give it to my granddaughter.