Dual Certified Helmet
> 3 dayI really like this helmet because it is very comfortable and fits my large head.
> 3 dayThe helmet is pretty, but its not so good quality. I had a few friends who bought it and returned. Its not bad, but it doesnt give you a comfortable feeling and the strap isnt so good quality either. But I didnt want to go through refund process. So now I got used to it. Its a good design and reasonable price, but if you are searching for the best functionality, this might not be it.
Trevin Pendry
> 3 dayGreat light Weight comfortable helmet. Fits the head very well. Almost seems to “snap” into place on your head.
Michelle Sparks
> 3 dayPurchased this for my son to use on his skateboard. It was a great fit (because we measured his head and ordered appropriately) and it arrived quickly. Unfortunately, safety equipment must be used in order for it to function, and my son lost his helmet in less than a week.
T. Wilkerson
> 3 dayI was in a need for a new helmet and after much research selected this helmet. It fits perfectly. I commute down a very busy street with traffic at 55 mph and I do feel somewhat safe wearing this helmet.
Darelys Robles
> 3 dayLo compre para mi y la vdd me hace sentir super comoda a la hora de patinar.
> 3 daypros - super helmets - i have 8 and 11 years olds - they ride skateboards , scooters and bikes did a ton of research - have specialized bike helmets - and got them scooters for Xmas - so i wanted to make sure they got great solid helmets for scooters - researched and went to a bunch of really good skate shops and they all recomended these hemets in the basic triple eight model for scooters - and then i found this mode which is the new version re-designed to be able to also bike with - so it really protects those kids from all angles - any my kids are wild on their bikes and skateboards so i needed something really good - and they are very comfortable, look good and my kids love them! cons - none!
> 3 dayThis helmet fits me perfectly! I love the style of it and it does not get too hot. I am very happy with the fit. I put it on and forget its even on my head. I use it mostly for cycling, but have also used it while skateboarding. Its chill, not too think or high like others I have tried. It has held up well, but I got white so the scuffs and scratches show big time! Oh well, thats what I get for choosing white.
> 3 dayas it says its for small AND medium, it is a bit small for medium and its a bit large for small. but I think there will be no problem wearing it. You can hammer the sponge inside to make the space wider and you can put in extra pads(included in package) to make it more tight.
Sam Kimball
> 3 dayThis was definitely one of the best purchases Ive ever made. It has stopped me from getting knocked out while inline skating downhills, once when I fell off my bike (low speed), and has been super useful for caving and urban exploration. It doesnt have much ventilation, but even biking on 90 degree days that hasnt been a problem. The only real critique I have is that it is definitely definitely not aerodynamic, but thats pretty obvious.