KAMUGO Kids Adjustable Helmet, Suitable for Toddler Kids Ages 2-14 Boys Girls, Multi-Sport Safety Cycling Skating Scooter Helmet
> 3 dayThis helmet is perfect for my 4 year old. Its very adjustable and comfortable, he enjoys wearing it. Seems like good quality as well.
Greater than one weekScarlett loves her helmet and will wear it whenever she rides her bike! Her mom has a cricket and put her name on the outside of it! Adorable
Roy Cormier
> 3 dayOddly shaped helmet that just doesnt fit. We ordered this for our five year old girl who is petite. The helmet isnt long so it doesnt cover the ears and give support. This makes it t difficult so it moves around while we ski even when it is tight under her chin.
> 3 daymy 3 year old water a red helmet with stickers instead of a cartoon helmet so we purchased this. it fits GREAT! i was nervous itd be too big, he has a smaller head but it fits PERFECT!
DeSica McCray
> 3 dayNo dislikes but like
> 3 dayIt’s looks n feel good. My daughter wouldn’t take it off anytime she puts it on. I really love it.
Rey Upton DDS
> 3 dayBought one for our then 4 year old and it has grown so well with him (now 5), we just purchased a second for our 2 year old. Great helmet!
Mckenna Bruyette
> 3 dayLove how you can adjust it
> 3 dayThis helmet fit perfectly. Very easy to adjust to childs head and easy for child to do themselves. This will reassure that you can find a helmet to fit a young child head since all are different sizes.
> 3 dayFits well and lightweight