KRIDDO Toddler Balance Bike 2 Year Old, Age 18 Months to 5 Years Old, 12 Inch Push Bicycle with Customize Plate (3 Sets of Stickers Included), Steady Balancing, Gift Bike for 2-3 Boys Girls
> 24 hour66 year old grandma, assembled it myself. Im excited to give it my grandson.
> 24 hourOur little girl is small for her size but this works for her. We were afraid it would be too big but she can manage. Im not sure if she loves that she has her own bike instead of a hand-me-down (which was still just a bit too big for her) or that its purple her favorite color. In any event she was thrilled and uses it every day. It was easy to assemble, is holding up and she loves it.
Sabri Shari
> 24 hourI got this for my twins to share and man now I need to buy another one! Its a hit and Im excited for them to skip training wheels and jump on a real bike once theyre bigger. These are highly recommended for children to develop good balance and I can already see it working on my two-year-olds! It was extremely simple to assemble as well. Highly recommend!
> 24 hourBought this for my 22 month old son who became obsessed with bikes recently. He is OBSESSED with this and wants to be on it night and day. Hes gotten really good at riding and gliding on it in only a few short weeks. Such a great gift and at a decent price point.
> 24 hourI think this bike is suitable for ages under 5(max 5). Its lightweight. But the seat is hard to adjust. And I think its a little too light for the price. 4 stars.
> 24 hourEasy to assemble
> 24 hourMy 20 month old doesn’t really care for it yet, but my 6 year old loves to ride around on it in the living room. And it supports his weight just fine
> 24 hourBike was as expected and made sturdy. Our boy loves it and is learning how to balance on two wheels.
> 24 hourMaybe $60 doesn’t get you much these days but I was thinking this was at least rubber tires and an outdoor bike, like a very small version of a real one. Instead I’m fairly certain it has plastic tires and probably weighs about 6 lbs. it seems very well made and like a solid toy for my 2-3 year old but just not what I was expecting.
Erik Rokaas
> 24 hourShould have spent some more to get better quality. But I didn’t. This one will go in the trash and my boy will get a new one.