Nickelodeon Kids Paw Patrol and Blues Clues & You Bike Helmet, Multi-Sport, Multiple Colors
> 3 dayI bought this helmet for my grandson to use with a tricycle he got for Christmas and he loves it! He is only 1, but he has a large head ;-). Im sure he will get a few years out of it. He thinks he looks very cool and wears it even when he isnt on the trike.
> 3 dayOrdered small for my granddaughter but when arrived sized for a 4 or 5 year old. A bit large even with adjustable strap.
Sierra Breckenridge
Greater than one weekDefinitely wont be able to use very long. I bought it for my 3 year old and its uncomfortable for him. I would buy this for a very small child like 1 or 2 years old. I did measure him before we bought it but its very snug and he doesnt like wearing it.
Julia Diorio
> 3 dayI bought this for my grandson whos 3 and the smaller size was too small, so I replaced it with one size up and its perfect.
Alex Hutchins
> 3 dayThe helmet is darling. It appears to be well made however, its too small. The dimensions are listed in the description but it would have been helpful to know the circumference of the inside. Unfortunately, I have to secretly return it because it wont go on my 3 year old grandsons head but he loves it.
Liz V.
> 3 dayFits my toddler fine. Though not too snug.
Franklin Rodriguez
> 3 dayLos colores
> 3 dayMy grandson is 2 years old. He was thrilled when he opened the helmet and saw the paw patrol characters. His 3 year old brother immediately tried to work out “a trade” saying, “you can have mine and I will have this one.”
Brenda Murray
> 3 dayIt was a birthday gift for grandson. He also got the paw patrol bicycle with training wheels.
Greater than one weekI ended up having to give this to my 2 year old because it was to small for my 3 year old! It’s small.