Noctua NF-F12 PWM, Premium Quiet Fan, 4-Pin (120mm, Brown)
Dr. Jairo Koepp I
> 24 hourBest fan in the damn world
Callum Fairley
> 24 hourExcellent fans, used to replace the fans that came with my H100x and they are a great replacement. Running them at a constant 100% and they are far quieter than even the corsair ones at 60-70% whilst keeping the system much cooler and quieter. So good that Ive ordered another 2 to run in a push pull configuration as I was very impressed.
> 24 hourAdded this as a second fan. Works well. Noise level definitely went up with 2 fans. Didnt try the low noise adapter though. These are nice fans.
> 24 hourPC war nie so entspannt
> 24 hourPretty good. They are super quite and feel sturdy. They dont seem to move as much air through the radiator as corsair sp 120s though.
Paul A.
> 24 hourTheyre Noctua fans - what else to give them other than 5 stars? They are quiet, but in return also dont push a lot of air. With adequate number of fans and big heatsink, this is perfectly fine (if you want a silent build). They are definitely not worth the $25 price alone, but the warranty makes up for it. If my fans last the span of the warranty, I will be happy.
> 24 hourWhat more can you say. Its a Noctua Fan. Great Build quality and performance
finotti gianluca
> 24 hourottime ventole c3sia per prestazioni e silenziose un po care per il prezzo ma ne valgono tutti gli euro spesi le consiglio per radiatori sono ottime
Phillip Adams
> 24 hourE en the box in came in is professional grade. Great fan at a great price!
N G.
> 24 hourNoctua té diversos models i cal mirar bé lús que se li pretén donar a la seva web. Els hi ha per flux lliure i daltres per flux més restringit més indicat per posar ben a prop davant la part a refrigerar (el radiador de la CPU o bé el radiador per refredar el líquid refrigerant de la CPU). Jo vaig posar aquest en una entrada a la caixa ja que just darrera hi ha un bon feix de cables i abans un filtre anti-pols, i volia una mica més de pressió per assegurar, i el NF-S12A PWM a la part superior de la caixa per treure aire (no hi ha res que entorpeixi el flux daire). Hi ha un altre model que encara dóna més pressió i que seria lindicat per posar davant un radiador o disipador de calor del líquid refrigerant. Ah, la denominació PWM indica que són ventiladors les RPM de les quals es poden controlar des de la placa base, altrament van a RPM fixes.