The Noble Collection Hermione Granger Bag Prop Replica
Sharon King
> 24 hourNoble Collection can sometimes be a hit or miss, but this bag is an absolute gem in the collection! We have it on display but we found out it actually works super well as a purse if you so desire. Very happy! The packaging is a cheap thin plastic but why would you ever keep it in the box?? Display it or wear it proudly!
Kenneth Moua
> 24 hourI value the item because it shows the finest quality of the bag
Michael Emrick
> 24 hourI have what I wanted
> 24 hourI was disappointed about the box it comes with. The box is damaged. I tried to get the creases out, but wont come out.
Aliyah Gaylord MD
> 24 hourFor the price it is it could be sewn better. The detail pattern is loose at the ends I used fabric glue so it wouldn’t fray more. It’s a little bigger than I thought but I wouldn’t put heavy things in it.
> 24 hourThe strings are way too long which is a pain to deal with.
> 24 hourAbsolutely perfect! High quality and larger than expected. Very happy with my purchase!!