Ubiquiti Networks UniFi UAP-AC-HD, 3dBi, 25dBm, 800Mbps, 4x4 @ 2. 4GHz & 4dBi, 25dBm, 1733Mbps, 4x4 @ 5GHz, 2xGigabit

(1545 reviews)


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61 Ratings
  • Anyelo Galindo

    > 24 hour

    Me ha gustado mucho el producto y si sigue la cosas bien es muy probable que compre otro con las mismas características

  • Mane

    > 24 hour

    La cobertura me cubre las 3 plantas de mi casa y el control con la aplicación. Aunque creo que el precio se podría ajustar algo más

  • SyITec

    > 24 hour

    I have several Ubiquiti products, which replaced all of my network devices. I had all NetGear. I had the NightHawk X10 and that thing was such a pain to manage. I constantly had dropouts and the throughput really sucked. I had never heard of Ubiquiti, but I saw that it had really good reviews. So, I figured after losing money to NetGear, I couldnt be worse off. BEST DECISION EVER! For the amount I paid for the X10. I purchased the Ubiquiti CloudKey Gen2 Plus and the UAP AC-PRO. This particular AP was to cover the entire upstairs (1500sqft) and most of downstairs, which includes the garage, sideyard and backyard. With the CloudKey and even without. These devices are so easy to configure and very secure. Unlike NetGear products.

  • Sylvestre

    > 24 hour

    Parfait, l’atout principal de cette solution par rapport aux autres acteurs du marché (cisco, aerohive, ...) c’est la simplicité de configuration et la possibilité de configurer une borne sans avoir besoin d’un manager ou contrôleur

  • J.J.D

    > 24 hour

    Compro el producto a un precio inmejorable, cuando lo instalo el producto deja de funcionar al cabo de unas horas, no más. Cuando solicito el cambio me lo abonan, y a la hora de comprarlo, el precio ha subido mas de 100€ ... ahora me veo que he comprado un producto usado y se han limpiado las manos. Lo que tengo claro que tras esto lo mejor sera no volver a usar productos de Ubiquiti.

  • Tom G

    > 24 hour

    Fantastic access point, setup was reasonably straightforward although changing to a static IP was buried in a menu. Been rock solid for a few weeks now with considerably better speed and signal strength than the ancient AP it replaced.

  • Terry Burnett

    > 24 hour

    Love the product

  • Robert Michl

    > 24 hour

    Ein Produkt nach dem Prinzip fire and forget.Einfach zu konfigurieren, gutes Reporting Top Ware

  • Adam

    > 24 hour

    Had issues with my last access point crashing with too many connected devices. With this I’ve had over 50 active connections without issue. You need a controller, which could be on a raspberry pi, vm or cloud key in order to use it. With it being pie powered o was also able to put it in an ideal location to get her much better coverage. As this is designed for density rather than coverage, one of the other Unifi products may work better if you just want range.

  • Ulrich H.

    > 24 hour

    AP wurde in ein bestehendes UniFi-System integriert, was nach Anschluss (PoE) und anschließender Konfiguration über den UniFi-Controller binnen fünf Minuten erledigt war. Seither (ein Jahr) nie Systemabstürze. Zwei Firmwareupgrades in der Zeit reibungslos durchgeführt. Stabile Übertragungsraten auf einer Fläche von ca. 120qm Geschoss. Wobei die Heatmap ca. 10% geringere Datenraten in den Außenbereichen offenbart (kann aber auch an den architektonischen Gegebenheiten liegen). Datenraten bleiben auch bei vielen angemeldeten Clients stabil. Sehr zu empfehlen - wie UniFi im Allgemeinen - für diejenigen bei denen der Schwerpunkt weniger auf den Anschaffungskosten und mehr auf Einfachheit bei Integration und Wartungsfreiheit liegt. Ob der Mehrpreis gegenüber dem AP AC Pro gerechtfertigt ist hängt eigentlich nur von der Anzahl der Clients ab. Für das mehr an theoretischer Datenrate lohnt es sich sicherlich nicht.

Scalable Enterprise Wi-Fi Management UniFi is the revolutionary Wi-Fi system that combines enterprise performance, unlimited scalability and a central management controller. The UniFi AC HD AP has a refined industrial design and can be easily installed using the included mounting hardware. Easily accessible through any standard web browser, the UniFi Controller software is a powerful software engine ideal for high-density client deployments requiring low latency and high uptime performance. Use the UniFi Controller software to quickly configure and administer an enterprise Wi-Fi network - no special training required. RF map and performance features, real-time status, automatic UAP device detection and advanced security options are all seamlessly integrated. Save money and save time UniFi comes bundled with a non-dedicated software controller that can be deployed on an on-site PC, Mac or Linux machine; in a private cloud; or using a public cloud service. You also have the option of deploying the compact UniFi Cloud Key with built-in software. Powerful Hardware The UniFi AC HD AP features the latest in Wi-Fi 802.11ac Wave 2 MU-MIMO technology. Intuitive UniFi Controller Software Configure and manage your APs with the easy-to-learn user interface. Expandable Unlimited scalability: build wireless networks as big or small as needed. Start with one (or upgrade to a five-pack) and expan

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