Vocaloid3 KAITO V3 [Japan Import]
Megan Everline
> 24 hourAwesome, dont use it a lot but awesome
> 24 hourmac使ってましたので、この度こちらを購入。色々出来そうですが、残念ながらその実力を試す前に用を足してしまったので今はお蔵入り。早く作曲してみたいけどな−。コンセプトは大好きだし、作曲とかワクワクするけどやっぱり時間と労力は必要なのかも。でも1度はトライしてみたいですね。やっぱり安心感がありますね。
> 24 hourThis package of Kaito comes complete with 4 voices, Piapro Studio vocal editor, Studio One 2.0, and PreSonus digital instruments. All V3 voicebanks come with the Vocaloid 3 Mini Editor although I believe most of you will prefer using the full V3 Editor or Piapro Studio. I always wanted Kaito originally as my very first Vocaloid, but this Kaito V3 is more refined and versatile. Now onto the voicebanks in this package.
> 24 hour4種類ある声なんですが、Whisperが少々使いにくいかな、と。
> 24 hourベタ打ちでかなり綺麗に歌ってくれますし、ベロシティの操作も直感的。ブレスを入れる時DAW上でオーディオを入れる感じになるのでボーカルのみを先に作る場合、ブレス込みの確認はしづらい。ノーツの長さや入れる場所に融通が効くと嬉しい。
that guy
> 24 hourKAITO V3 is the newest Male for the Vocaloid 3 engine that comes from Crypton Future media home of Vocaloid 2 super Star Miku Hatsune. I put newest male bcause in actuality KAITO is actually on of the original Voice Banks from the Vocaloid 1 era. (Along with Vocaloid LEON, LOLA, MIRIAM, and MEIKO) In terms of quality compared to other Vocaloid 3 voices KAITO is a bit on the lacking side. However here is some of the positives before the critiquing. On the one the plus KAITO is sold as an all in one/Starter Vocaloid that has 4 voice banks for users to play with including Straight, Whisper, Soft, and English. Along with this V3 KAITO also has access Piapro Studio which is a small DAW system that can import V3 KAITO and a few other synthesizer so that a user doesnt need to go out and buy a DAW. Also KAITO is the first adult male that has a full english bank that is for the Vocaloid 3 era. (The only other current Male english voice bank at the time of this review that is on the Vocaloid 3 editor exclusively is Oliver who is based on a young male child (However other English Males can be imported using the Vocaloid import tool option in the Full version of Vocaloid 3))
> 24 hourインストールの手順は難しいけど、製品自体はなかなかいいです。
> 24 hourピアプロスタジオについて、販売開始当初はすこぶる評判が悪かったようですが
> 24 hour文句なしです!
> 24 hourV1KAITO未経験、x64環境のため、V1との比較や付属エディタの使い心地については書けません。あしからず。※改行を減らしました。