Wdmiya Baby Balance Bike for 1 Year Old Boy Girl,Adjustable Seat and Toddler Ride-on Toys for First Birthday Gift Blue Shark
Kab Pum
> 3 dayWhat I like about this bike is that it is very easy to assemble and it is also sturdy. The wheels also run smoothly too. What I dislike about this bike is that it is a bit too small for my 15-month-old kid. The wheels run over his feet each time he tries to go forward or backward and this makes him dont want to ride it. I was disappointed. I wish the bike was made a little taller and longer. Updated review (10/30/2022) Upon knowing that this bike was too small for my kid, the seller reached out to me and sent me a new bike that I can adjust its seat and handle, which works perfect for my kid. I really appreciate the responsiveness of this seller and their communication and well as their openness to finding a solution for their customer. If your kid is taller, I would recommend getting one of the adjustable bikes instead. I am changing my original rating (3 stars) to 5 stars because the new bike works for my kid and the customer service and communication I have gotten from this seller were nothing but great.
Lisa Dotter
Greater than one weekI was really impressed with this bike. I got this for a toy for my house for when my nephew visits and its by far one of his favorite toys. It was really easy to assemble as well. And very well made even with a two year old thats more rough on toys. Would even make a great gift for kids.
G. Hearn
> 3 dayWith this red, white and blue . . . plus star. . . motif, this is what makes this toddler bike a little different from some others. It’s very attractive. The seat and handlebar is not adjustable on this one, though it is on some others. Many kids will find that their feet hit the wheels. . . especially the front wheels. Some might find a traditional tricycle to be a better option. This toddler bike is Made in China and being sold by a Chinese company on Amazon. At the current price of 50 bucks, it’s well over twice the price it should be. There are currently hundreds. . . if not thousands of these toddler bikes being sold by Chinese companies on Amazon right now. Some at a much lower price. . . so. . . Look around before purchasing.
Elaine Davis
> 3 daySturdy and easy assembly.
Pat Fernando
> 3 dayEasy to assemble but Not suitable as advertised for a child up to 36 months lts far too small for beyond 10months
Billie Jo
> 3 dayI got this for my Grandson so he has toys at Gammas. He Loves this SO much, i am buying a 2nd for him at home!!! Lightweight so he can move it easily himself, colors great, and durable material.
Prof. Kara Stanton
Greater than one weekPerfect for a 1 year old. Sturdy and easy to assemble. Well worth the cost
> 3 dayDo Not buy
> 3 dayI purchased this particular scooter so my grand would not catch her feet on the back wheels. Unfortunately, she is not balanced enough. I’m hoping in a few months she will get to ride it. The whole reason I bought it was because the back wheels and that does not help her stay on it.
Greater than one weekThis bike is so cool! It was super easy to assemble and is light weight, but the seat is extra cushiony and is very sturdy! My nephew loved it right away and zoomed around his first birthday party about a week after learning to walk.