Baby Balance Bikes 10-36 Month Toddler Walker Safety Upgraded | Toys for 1 Year Old Boys Girls | No Pedal Infant 4 Wheels Toddler Bicycle | Best First Birthday Holiday (Ladybug)
> 3 dayBought this for my one-year-old grandson on his birthday. He can sit on it and will soon learn to move around on it.
Brittani Law
> 3 dayI got this for my nieces first birthday and its so cute! It was also very sturdy and super easy to assemble.
Samantha J.C.
> 3 dayIt was a winner at the 1 year olds party. Wry Easy to assemble. Worth the money.
> 3 dayGreat gift for 1 year old. Great quality.
> 3 dayToy great
Jeff R.
> 3 dayI purchased two balance bikes for my 18 month old grand daughter and this is her favorite. Her mother says shes on it all the time.
Cheryl Bell
> 3 dayIts very cute. I bought this for one niece and another balance bike for my older niece. They both like the doggie.
Bill G.
> 3 dayPurchased this for my Grandson’s Birthday. It was his favorite gift. He loves it.
Anna B
> 3 dayPurchased for my granddaughters 1st birthday and her little face lit up when she saw it. She climbed right on and knew exactly what to do. It was very easy to assemble, it’s very sturdy, moves really well and is adorable, especially how the eyes move. I highly recommend!
> 3 dayThis bike was perfect for our petite little lady! She’s a small fry but this bike is the perfect size for her. She loves it and uses it often! She got it for her 1st birthday