Baby Balance Bikes 10-36 Month Toddler Walker Safety Upgraded | Toys for 1 Year Old Boys Girls | No Pedal Infant 4 Wheels Toddler Bicycle | Best First Birthday Holiday (Ladybug)
leslie vega
> 3 dayThe plastic was the highest quality I have ever seen. My nephew loves it.
Cheryl Gordon
> 3 dayLove it
Greater than one weekEn mi opinión el fabricante debió añadirle espaldar porque es para niños pequeños que aun no tienen balance.
Kirk W.
> 3 dayThis is a sturdy well built bike. Very easy to put together. Most any one with two thumbs can put this thing together. My great niece, 18 months old, took to it right away. She balanced on it easily and was able to push her self around very easily. I believe they only let her ride it indoors. The wheels are a softer poly/rubberized plastic that do not mark their hard wood flooring but still have enough grip where the bike is stable. But the wheels would still be suitable for outdoor, sidewalk riding. On top off all of that, the bike is very cute. The dogs eyes move side-to-side when moving the handle bars. I would highly recommend this bike. Great little gift for a boy or girl toddler.
Becky L. Benson
Greater than one weekEasy to assemble and such a perfect size.
carrie smith
Greater than one weekNA
Brittani Law
> 3 dayI got this for my nieces first birthday and its so cute! It was also very sturdy and super easy to assemble.
Natalie B.
> 3 dayWe gave this to our grandson for his 1st birthday and he immediately took off on it and loves it! There is still room for him to grow as he is not quiet able to get on and off himself due to balance and just leaning to walk.
lauren white
> 3 dayI read the reviews and while several mentioned not getting all the parts needed I actually got doubles of nearly all the parts ... so you know this company is just doing a bad job of packing . Thst being said , because I had all the tools , putting it together was super easy . It comes with a screwdriver btw!!
Jazmine Thomas
> 3 dayI got this bike for my 18 month old son and he love it. Easy to assemble and the bike lite weight.