BELL Frozen Toddler Bike 3D Tiara Helmet (3-5 years), Toddler 3D Tiara (7068215)
José Luis Santiago
> 3 dayEs un casco ligero, requiere que se mantenga protección con el material afilado de la corona de plástico
Carol Hansen
> 3 dayJust right to go with her Frozen bike
> 3 dayCheap as can be. Styrofoam with cheap plastic cover. Looks nice, that’s about it.
Ernie fonseca
> 3 dayWe purchased this helmet to go along with her frozen bike. The size of this helmet fits perfectly for our 3 year old. We had to put the strap on as tight as it could go. But once we did that it fit her perfectly. My daughter just had her 3 year old well-ness check up and her height and weight was at 50 percentile. Completely average for a 3 year old. My 7 year old wants this helmet so bad!. Im completely happy with this purchase.
Katherine Croft
> 3 dayThis helmet fits my 3 and a half year old perfectly. Stays on her and seems like its keeping her safe. She is delighted and she would sleep with it on if we let her. This is a great product!
Maricela Aldrete
> 3 dayGreat
Greater than one weekExcelente
Becky B.
> 3 dayOur daughter loved the helmet. They definitely run small as she is not quite three and is wearing the size for five year plus.
Paula Lawrence
> 3 dayDurable and it’s very comfortable
> 3 dayBought this helmet and Elsa and Anna Big Wheel bike for my 2 year old grand daughter. Now she has the same as her big sister. They love them!!!