Chillafish Charlie Lightweight Toddler Balance Bike with Carry Handle, Adjustable Seat and Handlebar, Puncture-Proof 10-inch Wheels and Custom Molded seat, for Kids Ages 18-48 Months, Black
Andrea B
> 3 dayMy grandson wanted a bike but he’s so little. After reading an article by the US bicycling coach I investigated balance bikes and chose this one. It is so cute, easy to carry, my grandson loves it and takes it everywhere. Also the price was perfect.
> 3 dayEasy to put together, the lights work.Its all around a great gift.
> 3 dayMy son loves it and overall I was pleased I do wish the tires were rubber though.
Otoniel ruano
> 3 dayFor kids like 1 year
Emmanuel Taban-Taeoalii
> 3 dayReally good purchase
Allison Vargas
> 3 dayTotally perfect for my 2 year old. So happy with it!
> 3 dayWell made and looks great grandson loves it.
> 3 dayLove the bike. My son is slowly learning how to balanced. Great sturdy construction, however, the hardware used for the bike is a little “soft”. I went to make an adjustment to the seat height and using the Allen wrench provided the screw head was easily stripped. So I’ll have to drill it out and replace it with something else. Other than that, sweet bike!
christine ann
> 3 dayPerfect for 2-4 year old. Easy to put together
Lisa F Shomaker
> 3 dayProduct was ordered for our grandson’s 3rd birthday