Chillafish Charlie Lightweight Toddler Balance Bike with Carry Handle, Adjustable Seat and Handlebar, Puncture-Proof 10-inch Wheels and Custom Molded seat, for Kids Ages 18-48 Months, Black
Allison Vargas
18-11-2024Totally perfect for my 2 year old. So happy with it!
> 3 dayOne of our boys favorite toys . We bought two . Unfortunately after a few months the screw broke and now we have no way to attach the front wheel :( amazon customer service is saying only 30 day warranty. Would love a way to get replacement pieces
> 3 dayBought this for our 2 year old grandson. He loves it! It’s sturdy and classy looking. His older siblings use it too.
> 3 dayLooks very nice. Kid loves it. Sturdy.
Michele Lapointe
> 3 dayYou want to spray it with clear rustoleum to prevent rust. No happy.
A. A.
> 3 dayI introduced this balance bike to my kid at 19 month old. Its a favori pass time. This could be a 5 star rated bike, but it has 1 flaw thats quite annoying. After some use the seat starts to squeak and makes noises as our kiddo rides. Cant be stopped. I tried spraying with grease and even applying silicone washers but nothing I do seems to work. Aside from that, its a great bike. The built-in handle on the frame comes in handy to carry the bike when the kiddo is tired of riding. I also like the handle bar grips being oversized at the end, safeguarding my kids fingers when he falls or clips something as the bike is rode.
> 3 dayWe bought this bike for our three year old great grandson. He absolutely loves it. He has worn the rubber off of the tires because he rides it so much. We have actually bought him a 12 inch bike for Christmas and birthday coming up. I would like to know if you can buy replacement tires for the 10 inch bike so please let me know.
> 3 dayMy son got this bike for his second birthday. Initially he didn’t know how to ride it but eventually got the hang of it. Half a year later he loves this bike! It’s really lightweight and perfect for a toddler. The only downside is the seat only adjusts with a small tool unlike some of the other bikes that can easily adjust to any height. But otherwise great bike and worth the purchase
> 3 daymy son really wanted to keep this but had to return because the wheels were bad and did not seem sturdy at all.
Professional Dad
> 3 dayEasy to assemble . We started our 2 yr old grandson on this one and within a day he mastered it. Next step, Pedals!! Great starter bike.