JOLLITO Baby Balance Bike, Adjustable Toddler Baby Bicycle 12-24 Months with 3 Silent Wheels, No Pedal Toddlers Walker Bike Riding Toy for 1 Year Old Boys Girls, Best Birthday Gift
jacqueline t. danchak
> 3 dayI have a few grand children and a couple of them try to ride it and it keeps falling over. The design of it is not sturdy and for a 1 to 3 year old it is totally unreliable. Was so disappointed. My granddaughter would never be able to use this thing. Its ready for the garbage
Mrs. Winnifred Rodriguez
Greater than one weekI like that this bike is shorter than other balance bikes for my shorter child. The three wheel makes my child feel comfortable enough to get on and off by themselves without the worry that it will tip over. I wish the wheels were more durable. Even after a short first ride, the wheels had dents in it.
Jeni Nye
> 3 dayThis bike is not sturdy enough for 12-24 month olds. I can’t tell you how many times just riding it my 18 month old has tipped over hitting his head. As soon as they turn the bars even a fraction it will easily tip over making them go face first into the floor. The front wheel stance is not wide enough or sturdy enough to support a small child with already not the best balance. The bike otherwise is pretty good quality. Very nice looking and the white doesn’t stain easily. If it didn’t have such a problem with tipping so easily, it would be perfect!
> 3 dayA really decent gift and first learning bike for my baby!My baby is 28 in and the lowest level fits just right!And can be adjusted later when my baby grows taller!Love this more than one feature,worth the price!
> 3 dayIt was sturdy & cute!
Greater than one weekToo small, and too basic
LINDA tenpas
> 3 dayPerfect size for 1 yr old learning to walk
18-11-2024Large seat and heavy enough to feel safe
> 3 dayLike that it comes in boy/girl colors
Paige Thrall
> 3 dayBought this for our 1 year old for Christmas. She loves it, but only when we are standing there holdong on and pushing her around because it is very tippy. She is just able to reach the floor on the lowest setting so maybe after a few months she will be better able to maneuver it without tipping.