Strider - 12 Classic Balance Bike, Ages 18 Months to 3 Years
Greater than one weekLove this bike for my son
Greater than one weekOur two-year old twins love it. Very light, easy to assemble, and seems to fit the right dimensions/fit for both kids.
A Tirk
Greater than one weekLove this. My daughter loved it. Bought it when she was 1 and a half years old. That time she was scared, but now that she is 25 months, she is liking it and wants to ride it on her own. So light and so strong and so cheap.....and good quality. A must buy for the toddlers.
Danielle jones
> 3 dayGreat product. Really helps children learn balancing and to be able to ride a bicycle.
Brandon J Scott
> 3 dayMy 2 year old son loves this thing. We cant get him off it. He is now 2 1/2 and I think he is just about ready for a normal bike since he is so good at balance now on this.
> 3 dayPurchased for 3 year old grand child. He likes to ride and the Strider is well made for the purpose of teaching children about two wheel fun and learning balance. Bicycles with training wheels are a waste of money.
Harli Spence
> 3 day2 year old daughter loves to ride her bike. Her best friend liked it so much, Santa brought him one for Christmas too! Cant wait til they ride together!
Libby Miller
> 3 dayPerfect gift for my grandsons 2nd birthday! He loved it and instantly started playing with it!
> 3 dayLove it
Terrell Nienow
> 3 dayLove it