3 in 1 Toddler Tricycles for 2-4 Years Old Boys and Girls with Detachable Pedal and Bell | Foldable Baby Balance Bike Riding Toys for 24 Month Up Kids | Infant First Birthday New Year (Green)
Jasmin Espada
> 24 hourLa calidad y funcionamiento del producto es de excelente calidad. Es segura en su funcionamiento para niños pequeños, sin obviarse la supervisión requerida.
> 24 hourGave this trike to my two year old grandson. First thing he says when he wakes up is “my bike”. He loves it!
> 24 hourSuper cute design and very easy to assemble only problem I have is the pedals are very far away from the seat they attach to the front wheel and makes it difficult for the toddler to get momentum. Im sure as the toddler grows into it they will figure out how to use it but in the meantime a better design would be better suited on the pedals.
> 24 hourAwesome bike. Perfect size for my toddler.
> 24 hourThis trike is way too large for a two year old toddler! There is not even close the adjustment to lower seat so pedals can be touched let alone pedaled. By the time my grandson is able to reach the pedals with seat all the way lowered he will be riding a bicycle! Poor adjustability! Very disappointed that you list this as fitting a 2-4 year old !
Elena McLaughlin
> 24 hourGreat bike. It not really for a 2 year old like description says. It was way too tall for my two year old. Will be great when he grows!
> 24 hourMy baby LOVES this bike! It was super easy to put together and it’s a bike that he can grow into. With the wheels being able to turn in it makes it very easy to store away! I love it
Zachary A Baumgardner-sedell
> 24 hourWhen you turn the wheel too far right or too far left the bike will flip forward but other then that great bike for the price
Sharon Keiser
> 24 hourMore adjustablity for smaller 2 year old.
> 24 hourI knew it was going to be a lightweight bike, you get what you pay for usually but the pedals dont even work. my kiddo cant ride it because they wont go around. so in this case i did not get my moneys worth. i do no recommend if the pedals worked it would be a good bike. its a good size for a 2 almost 3 yr old and folds up so i can put it in car and fit his older brothers bike too.