3 in 1 Toddler Tricycles for 2-4 Years Old Boys and Girls with Detachable Pedal and Bell | Foldable Baby Balance Bike Riding Toys for 24 Month Up Kids | Infant First Birthday New Year (Green)
Nat Beier
> 3 dayEasy to assemble and the grandson liked it.
20-11-2024This trike is way too large for a two year old toddler! There is not even close the adjustment to lower seat so pedals can be touched let alone pedaled. By the time my grandson is able to reach the pedals with seat all the way lowered he will be riding a bicycle! Poor adjustability! Very disappointed that you list this as fitting a 2-4 year old !
Melissa A. Wallick
> 3 dayGiven as a Christmas present to my three year old. Very sturdy and durable bicycle. Good instructions for putting it together. Easy to fold to pop in a car trunk.
twins granny
> 3 dayAlthough he almost reaches the peddles he still has fun. It is sturdy. Easy to assembly. Tires don’t mark up the floor.
24-11-2024We got this one for my sons birthday present, he really likes it, nice color and the quality is amazing, very flexible, you can use it not only as a tricycle but also as a balance bike. Love it.
Lash F. Turville
Greater than one weekThis tricycle was the hit of a two year party. The recipient got on it and never got off for the whole birthday party!
juan carlos fuentes
Greater than one weekMe gusto mucho
> 3 dayI got this for my 3yo. It was quick and easy to assemble, and the fact we can go back and forth between a tricycle and a balance bike is huge! It is sturdy, comfortable, and perfect as kids can quickly outgrow toys. He hasnt used it yet as a bike, but I am assuming this is possible too and the two wheels together on the back would allow for more control.
> 3 daySeems very sturdy and my tall 2 year old granddaughter likes it but legs too short to pedal all the way around. Surprise bec she is a tall 2 year old, even with seat all the way down. Will just wait til she is a little taller. She loves the bell!
> 3 dayAwesome bike. Perfect size for my toddler.