3 in 1 Toddler Tricycles for 2-4 Years Old Boys and Girls with Detachable Pedal and Bell | Foldable Baby Balance Bike Riding Toys for 24 Month Up Kids | Infant First Birthday New Year (Green)
Sharon Keiser
Greater than one weekMore adjustablity for smaller 2 year old.
> 3 dayHavent had my nefew tried it but I pushed it around and it looks like itll work well so happy for a 2 year old I think itll work
Greater than one weekWe bought this bike for my moms house as that’s where my son goes every day. It’s so easy to put together and rides great. We then went and got a second one for our house.
> 3 dayI was a little worried this bike was going to be too small for my three years old. Its actually too big. My son is small but I dont think this would be ok for any two year old. He only weighs about 30 lbs and clearly isnt very tall. His legs are not long enough to pedal yet. We switched it to the balance bike side and his feet just touch the floor. Im glad he will be able to grow into it, but I was hoping he would be able to use this since he didnt like his regular bike. My son does love the bell on this and seems pretty excited about it. Hopefully, he hits a growth spurt soon. This bike is super easy to put together but the directions are lacking. Its just pictures, no detail. Good thing its self-explanatory. The bike switches easily between the tricycle and balance bike. The seat is adjustable and does go pretty high. The tires are some type of plastic, definitely not rubber, and probably cant be replaced if they ever wear out. It seems pretty well made and overall Im happy with it.
Greater than one weekGood job
Yan Li
> 3 dayI bought this tricycle for my son who is two and half year old. It turned out to be a good choice as my boy loves the tricycle. He likes to ride the tricycle around the neighborhood. I am happy that I picked the right toy for my boy.
> 3 dayMy baby LOVES this bike! It was super easy to put together and it’s a bike that he can grow into. With the wheels being able to turn in it makes it very easy to store away! I love it
Vincent Torsell
> 3 dayGreat overall quality. Easy to assemble. Easy to fold up for transporting in a small car trunk. The transition from tricycle to balance bike is cool…. Basically perfect, except it’s definitely not for a 4 year old. My son just turned 4 and we got it for him. He’s big for his age, but even with the seat the whole way up it wasn’t even close to big enough. I’m not sure it would have been big enough if we got it for him when he turned 3. It says “baby tricycle” right on the box. Should be fit ages 1-3. If you’ve got an average sized 3 year old it might be big enough. We returned ours and got the Schwinn 12” roadster. Perfect for my big kid. He might even use it next summer.
Rossie Koss
> 3 dayI do think that maybe the recommended age is from 3-4? My son is two, average height and couldn’t reach the peddles, even with the seat all the way down. Still a nice sturdy bike though.
PJ Bay
> 3 dayThis tricycle is good for both my 2 year old and 3 !/2 year olds. Seat height adjusts easily. The older child especially loves the way he can adjust it for a scooter. Little mechanic! Goes over gravel in back yard and lumpy grass- no problem.