Bell Axle Youth Bike Helmet
> 24 hour8 year old bike helmet
> 24 hourGorgeous helmet for my 10 year old. Super pretty and sturdy
> 24 hourFits well, son likes it.
Cade Hensley
> 24 hourFits well, good buy
> 24 hourBeautiful helmet! My daughter loves it
Buyer 000
> 24 hourLooks good, sturdy, but size is not adjustable. The head better be fit exactly and cannot grow.
> 24 hourtrying to find the right size helmet for a tall 4 year old was a challenge since she had outgrown all of the typical toddler/kid/youth sizes. This one was a perfect fit and good quality.
> 24 hourTo small for my 10 year old. Extremely disappointed because it says it fits up to age 12.
> 24 hourI had ordered another safety helmet, but it looked too narrow for our 5 year old boy. His head is rounder and larger than average, so I ordered this because it was the next size up. He has a 20.5 or 52 cm head measurement and this fit him perfectly. Amazon was great both delivering this quickly to my relatives home and accepting return on the helmet that didnt fit him. Our little guy is going to look great on his new scooter with his safety helmet and gear all purchased from Amazon!
> 24 hourGreat helmet but lasted 2 months and strap broke.