Bell Axle Youth Bike Helmet
Andrea Stupi
> 3 dayMy son loves his new helmet. He is 9 and outgrew his old helmet. This one fits him perfectly. He loves the colors.
Greater than one weekDoes not have the adjustment for the head circumference...Cute, but too big for my 6 year old.
Emily Ellens
> 3 dayWe just received the second of the same helmet. Both times, it was put into a box that was too small with no cushion. The result is that the plastic pin that holds the center of the visor in place is broken upon arrival. It is possible that this pin is not of the best quality either. Now a second helmet needs to be returned and I will be purchasing another brand sadly. This one matched my daughters bike perfectly.
Laura J Smith
18-11-2024My son loves this helmet! It is a great fit.
> 3 dayTotal joke, does not adjust well. Too bad, such a good looking helmet.
Greater than one weekMy 9 year old daughter likes it
> 3 dayMy granddaughter loved her new helmet! It fit her just fine!!
Taehoon Kim
Greater than one weekIt is good enough for money. My kid likes it.
> 3 dayThis was a gift to my 11 year old niece. She really liked the color and has room to grow!!!
Paula Hubert
> 3 dayStretchy insert- not truly adjustable like other helmets with dial in back. Too big- had to see it to fit.