Bell Axle Youth Bike Helmet
> 3 dayWorks great for my 9 year old daughter. She loves the colors.
Stacy Harrison
> 3 dayMy daughter loved the vivid colors, just as pictured online. Easy to fit and comfortable - per my 7 y/o. Not too hot for her head which for her is important. Priced well. Hopefully she will never fall hard enough to test the safety of the helmet! I was referred to Bell by an avid biker stating this was a good quality brand for the basic rider.
> 3 dayAvoid these helmets! The crown of the helmet is not adjustable making it essentially a “one size fits all” type helmet. I bought the appropriate helmet size based on my children’s age and they are too big and can’t be adjusted for proper fit.
Sarah Winkowski
Greater than one weekThis bike helmet literally saved my daughters life. She went down an 80 yard hill on her bike, hit a one foot drop and flew over her handle bars. My husband found her 10 feet from her bike on her face. The helmet did have some good dents on it and left a giant red mark on her forehead. The red mark was from the impact of the helmet when she hit the ground. I will be buying a new one. This helmet did its job and worth every penny.
William G. Danko
Greater than one weekfits grandson properly like it should
> 3 dayOur granddaughter loved the look of the helmet
T. Skaats
> 3 dayMy son loved his new helmet. Matches his bike perfectly as well.
Mr. Charles Kub IV
> 3 dayGreat value! Attractive sporty design!
Estefania Borer
> 3 dayThis was a birthday gift for our granddaughter. She loved the color and style!
Greater than one weekLove fits great