Rio Grande Games Dominion Adventures Game Gold
> 24 hourThis was a very enjoyable expansion from start to finish.
> 24 hourThis is probably my favorite expansion. The pace of play is more of a grind (like Alcehmy) but much more fun and with options that are more interesting.
> 24 hourOur favorite Dominion game by far.
> 24 hourI thought we didnt need another expansion, but I was wrong. This expansion has great cards and great mechanics that add to the Dominion experience. Highly recommend.
David D. Dietrich
> 24 hourBrings in some new mechanics that are very different then previous expansions. But also builds on the things that I have always loved about Dominion.
> 24 hourSo while I do love 98% of the things about this expansion my only complaint would be the tokens...yup they are cheap cardboard. My only thought on why the tokens are so cheap is (and it pains me to say it) because the expansion was made in the US. Dang I cant believe I said it. Really other than that the game is great! I really havent used the tokens yet so I dont know how much that will actually bother me in the long run. Another this is some of the artists chosen to illustrate the cards didnt do a good job, that is a little disappointing. I really enjoy the ability to upgrade cards it can really change the game when you dont realize someone has the upgraded version of a card you have. The tavern mat cards are also great giving you the ability to trash a card (helpful when curses are in play) to bring a card that could give you an extra action and buy in to your hand. If you own a base game (Dominion or Dominion Intrigue) and like this one. It really might be my favorite Dominion expansion yet.
> 24 hourGreat expansion! I have yet to play with other sets, but I have greatly enjoyed 2, 3, and 4 player games with this set alone. I would not recommend playing this set with any new players. Even the gentle intro requires a lot of thinking and strategy. If someone is just learning the rules they might feel discouraged to play again. Great expansion for enthusiasts like myself, but hold off on introducing this set to new players.
Maureen Collins
> 24 hourAdventures is really fun. Even more fun than the original Dominion game.
> 24 hourFun new expansions for Dominion are always welcome. This one is just as fun as the others, bringing back duration cards and a more extensive upgrade mechanic. However, this expansion includes lots of tiny pieces (more than just coins and mats), that are only used for specific cards. I feel like the designers could have tried harder to incorporate fewer pieces among a broader range of the new cards.
Caleb Buford
> 24 hourOne of my personal favorites, although not for everyone. This expansion adds many different elements to the game, tavern may, tokens, event cards and much more. All of these goodies are very fun to play with and bring a lot more strategy and thinking to the game, but they also extend the game by a fair amount. If you’re looking for an intense expansion to Dominion, one that adds multiple layers and a longer game, look no further.