Yvolution Y Velo Junior Toddler Balance Bike 9 Inch Wheel No-Pedal Training Bicycle for Kids Boys Girls Age 18 Months to 2,3,4 Years
Oscar Alberto Rosiles
> 3 dayThis bike was assembled in minutes all necessary tools were included. My grandson loves riding this bike and it’s very sturdy and comfortable for him to ride.
Mary D.
> 3 dayIt is a cute bike and the right size for my 3 year old granddaughter, but it does not steer easily. It seems stuck and turns with force she doesn’t have. Is there a way to loosen this?
James Larsen
> 3 dayMy 2-year-old had this thing mastered in less than two weeks. Now we have a hard time keeping up. As he speeds down his favorite (gentle hills) he likes to yell eat my dust and Im a mota-cycle. Buy this and watch guaranteed adorableness ensue
> 3 dayMy daughter loves her new balance bike. She didn’t know how to steer much with the regular bike but now she has gotten more practice on the balance bike that now she rides her big girl bike but still loves riding her balance bike from time to time .
Courtney L Assemany
Greater than one weekOur two year old daughter kinda took over the two year old boy next door’s balance bike so we figured we should buy her her own. She loves tooling around the house on it and we took it outside tonight where it will stay. She does well outside too. It was easy for my husband to put together and he has trouble hanging pictures so there’s that.
> 3 dayWhen I bought this it was for my daughter who was over 18 months old it was way too big for her she is 2 now and still too big. My 2+ year old son can use it.
Devin Fudge
> 3 dayI got this for my daughter when she was 19 months old a few months back and shes been making slow and steady progress on this bike. The two wheels on the back give just enough balance so that shes not constantly falling side-to-side but not so much that its doing all of the balancing for her. She does struggle to lift the bike up again if it falls, and her attention span is so short that shell move on to the next thing if she cant manage to lift it within a few seconds, lol. This bike is very sturdy too; 7 year old boys love to hop on and ride it for a little bit even if it is waaay too small for them!
Greater than one weekAssembly was SUPER easy! Took me about a minute to get it together. It took longer to open the box and remove the plastic that was taped around the parts than it took to actually build it. My son LOVES it! I highly recommend this bike for beginner riders. My son got the balance down pretty fast. I love that it has the double back wheels to give a bit more balance(it CAN stand up on its own if you stand it right) but also teaches them that they need to pay attention while riding and balance too or they can tip over. So much easier this way than to get them to learn steering and peddling THEN balance later, the balance was instant for my son, he got on and started riding right away! It blew my mind how fast he got it!
Harsha B
> 3 dayThis balance bike is so cute, stylish and lightweight that my toddler who is usually hesitant to try anything new, went right for it. I mean just look at those pics I posted, I would love to ride it if I was a toddler. The quality is not compromised for its lightweight and I like the tires because it’s neither too delicate like the foam tires nor too heavy with the steel rim. Bike being very light is important for the toddlers to feel like they are in control. It’s hard to choose one when you have so many options but I recommend this one of you don’t care for footrest because that’s the only thing missing on this one.
> 3 dayIf you have a tiny toddler like I do this bike is absolutely perfect for them! My kiddo is the size of most 1 year old at 2. This bike is low enough to the ground for her and light enough that she can pick it up no problem.