Yvolution Y Velo Junior Toddler Balance Bike 9 Inch Wheel No-Pedal Training Bicycle for Kids Boys Girls Age 18 Months to 2,3,4 Years
> 3 dayWhen I bought this it was for my daughter who was over 18 months old it was way too big for her she is 2 now and still too big. My 2+ year old son can use it.
Kelly Brown
> 3 dayBought for Grandsons birthday.
K. Blevins
> 3 dayThis is not the first balance bike in our house but it is the best one yet. Holding up just fine to the abuse from 3 kids.
Paula L.
> 3 dayThis bike is amazing! I cannot believe how my 2 year old grandson is riding it! I know he will be able to get right on a big bike with pedals and take off. NO TRAINING WHEELS! His balance and confidence is FUN to watch!
22-11-2024My toddler loves this bike! He rides it inside and outside.
20-11-2024perfict for my 2 yr old twins! they were a bit hesitant but now they love them... hardes part is helmet enforcement... cant ride with out a helmet is the theme in our house. a breeze to put together. super sturdy. can only hand upto 44lb so i told the teens they couldnt.. now for the weeks of waddling around.
Mathew Danahy
> 3 dayI had never heard of one of these bikes until my wife told me to buy it for my son. A balance bike sounded like some fad that I was going to have to buy into to make my wife happy. I have to admit this was a great idea on her part. We’ve given our son a unique freedom I don’t think he would have had any other way for his age. This was easy to put together and has completely blown me away with how well my son rides the bike. He’s able to keep a very good pace with our larger bikes and he’s only three. He recently went to the single rear wheel and is able to keep it upright with no issues. I can’t say enough how impressed I am with the speed he’s able to get on it. He’s like a little Fred Flintstone. This is actually the second one we have bought. Our 18mo daughter has her own now. I have no doubt she’ll be tearing up the road soon herself. I highly recommend this for all little ones. The only thing I wish it had were brakes for when they go down hills.
Norma Lamb
> 3 dayPerfect gift for my 2 yr old great grandson!!!
M. Selent
> 3 dayPerfect for my little girl. She got it for her 2nd birthday and was able to ride it right away. I did a lot of research before purchasing. This was one of the shorter bikes I could find and I love the back wheel options.
Oscar Alberto Rosiles
Greater than one weekThis bike was assembled in minutes all necessary tools were included. My grandson loves riding this bike and it’s very sturdy and comfortable for him to ride.