Yvolution Y Velo Junior Toddler Balance Bike 9 Inch Wheel No-Pedal Training Bicycle for Kids Boys Girls Age 18 Months to 2,3,4 Years
Mr. Hustle
> 3 dayIt took me a week to get it delivered, the manual wasn’t clear for me to put together quickly but that bike is very sturdy, well made, great quality & run smooth. My baby girl loves it!
> 3 dayVery sturdy. Can be easily ridden inside if you have the room and outside. Very very satisfied
> 3 dayWe’ve had this for about 6 months now and my son (2) is still just as obsessed with it as he was on day one. It’s so little and lightweight that it’s super easy to throw in the trunk or backseat and take it with us everywhere. The adjustable seat ensures that he will be able to continue riding as he grows.
Michael Dobrynio
> 3 dayGreat product!
> 3 dayAssembly was SUPER easy! Took me about a minute to get it together. It took longer to open the box and remove the plastic that was taped around the parts than it took to actually build it. My son LOVES it! I highly recommend this bike for beginner riders. My son got the balance down pretty fast. I love that it has the double back wheels to give a bit more balance(it CAN stand up on its own if you stand it right) but also teaches them that they need to pay attention while riding and balance too or they can tip over. So much easier this way than to get them to learn steering and peddling THEN balance later, the balance was instant for my son, he got on and started riding right away! It blew my mind how fast he got it!
18-11-2024My 18-month old is really short - 3 percentile on height; I was worried he might be too short for this balance bike but his feet touches flat on the floor on lowest seat setting! Assembly is quick and easy; everything is included. I love the double rear wheel, it helps my toddler get the hang of it and provides extra support while he is learning to balance. It is not lightweight but its not too heavy either, my petite toddler can prop it up without any help. The bike we got looks exactly like the one listed, including the handlebar. It deserves a 5-star rating so far, I will update if anything changes! Highly recommend.
David Thames
> 3 dayI have twins and we were given a handy down of this bike. My oldest and twins used it. We bought a second, newer style balance bike from them. Both are amazing and my boys are pros at their bikes. They ride them every day. The bikes old up great! And are a smooth ride. I lost a screw in one bike and the customer service sent out a new set within a week.
> 3 dayMy son is a year and a half. This was his second type balance bike. The first one had four wheels but couldnt lean and caused him to fall in turns when he would go faster. I was worried it would be to big but it fit perfect with the seat at the bottom set point. It rolls wonderful also. Its not the lightest but the weight feels like its mostly the wheels. Low center of gravity and is easy for him to pick up and control
Devin Fudge
Greater than one weekI got this for my daughter when she was 19 months old a few months back and shes been making slow and steady progress on this bike. The two wheels on the back give just enough balance so that shes not constantly falling side-to-side but not so much that its doing all of the balancing for her. She does struggle to lift the bike up again if it falls, and her attention span is so short that shell move on to the next thing if she cant manage to lift it within a few seconds, lol. This bike is very sturdy too; 7 year old boys love to hop on and ride it for a little bit even if it is waaay too small for them!
> 3 dayKids ride the bike all day all around the house. Great starter bike.