XIAPIA Baby Balance Bike Toys for 1 Year Old Boy Girl Gifts, 10-24 Month Toddler Balance Bike with 4 Silence Wheels, No Pedal Toddler First Bike, First Birthday Gifts Christmas for Boys and Girls
Deb Klebanoff
Greater than one weekVery easy to put together. If baby scoots along in a fairly forward direction, it is sturdy enough. But it could be a tipping problem until baby gets used to it. Still a solid toy and wed buy again.
Greater than one weekWe bought this for our granddaughter at 10 months. She likes to sit on it but wont so far scoot it (she is 14 months now). She has a wider one that does not tip that is her favorite. I am hoping she will like in the future. It is a cute well built first vehicle however.
> 3 dayMy granddaughter who just turned a year loves it!
Cori Goddard
> 3 dayThis purchase was for my 18 month old daughter. It came pre-assembled which was nice. We like the fact that the handlebars turn and it has a narrow wheelbase so a toddler can practice balancing. My problem with it is that its too short. My daughter tends to stand and walk it rather than sit on it and push with her feet. For that reason we had to return it. I do feel like the bikes quality was good and it would be perfect for a younger child. Had a very reasonable price point and beat going to the store.
M Evans
> 3 dayThis was a small scooter for my grandson. It is small enough for him to use and to grow with. Easy to assemble. It seemed sturdy enough to last.
Virginia conklin
> 3 dayLiked that it was easy to put together
Joyce Ticnor
> 3 dayIt was perfect for my granddaughter1
Greater than one weekvery well made and easy to assemble . Birthday gift celebrating one year old grand baby! He loved it!
Momo Fang
> 3 dayBought it for my 9 month old angle who is about to learn walking. My daughter just ride on her cute first bike as soon as I gave it to her! She did fall off a few times at first, but then used to it very fast. I have to say the bike do help her stand and walk more stable, which does its job very well. The bike itself looks well made and very cute, and the assembly was nothing. Although the instruction says it must be assembled by an adult, I believe a five years old boy can do it all alone. Overall, a very nice purchase. Would recommend to other mothers.
> 3 dayPerfect for a toddler.