XIAPIA Baby Balance Bike Toys for 1 Year Old Boy Girl Gifts, 10-24 Month Toddler Balance Bike with 4 Silence Wheels, No Pedal Toddler First Bike, First Birthday Gifts Christmas for Boys and Girls
> 3 dayVery easy to assemble but not worth the price. You can find a brand named toy for much cheaper. My one year old doesnt understand to use his feet to move the tricycle. Its a nice toy but not much for $$$.
E. Fish
> 3 dayCutest little bike! I bought this bike a year and a half ago for my little neighbors 1st Birthday. She uses it ALL the time and so do her much old brothers. Her brothers are wild and pretty much brake EVERYTHING but not this bike! It still looks brand new. The quality is amazing!!!
> 3 dayI was interested in this trike b/c our granddaughter was born six weeks early and is developmentally delayed. At a year old, shes just beginning to crawl. This trike is allowing her to balance on the seat and try to steer. But the video show children way too old to be playing w/ this trike. So far Im very satisfied.
> 3 dayBought this for my niece’s twins to share for their 1st birthday. She said it was too small and that they wouldn’t be able to use for very long. She purchased a larger bike that they can use longer. (Note- they are both pretty big boys for their age so might work fine for a smaller child.
michelle lippai
> 3 dayThis was a gift for a friend and I watched him assemble it in front of me it took 5 min
> 3 dayThis car is light weight and easy to control for little baby. So easy to assemble.( I only spend 8 minutes). Yellow color is so cool for boy. Especially the seat is so soft and long enough for baby to seat. I think it is good for one year and half baby.
> 3 dayCute as can be, can see this being ridden around a ton, easy to install, looks like itll be pretty tough
> 3 dayI purchased this Baby Balance Bike toddler tricycle, no pedals, for a babys 1st birthday gift. It was stated 10-24 months, so it seemed to be a perfect gift. Every time the little guy attempted to straddle it and use his feet to go forward, it would tip over. I purchased it because it appeared to be well made and sturdy. It is simply not designed for a child just learning to walk.
Marvin Morissette
18-11-2024Love the look and sturdiness of this trike. Its the perfect size for a 12 month old.
Selena Tumlin
Greater than one weekGrandson loves it