XIAPIA Baby Balance Bike Toys for 1 Year Old Boy Girl Gifts, 10-24 Month Toddler Balance Bike with 4 Silence Wheels, No Pedal Toddler First Bike, First Birthday Gifts Christmas for Boys and Girls
> 3 dayVery easy to assemble but not worth the price. You can find a brand named toy for much cheaper. My one year old doesnt understand to use his feet to move the tricycle. Its a nice toy but not much for $$$.
Sheila R.
> 3 dayThis is for my third grandchild but Ive never seen a bike like this before. I got it for my 10-month-old granddaughter and she loves it. Even though shes already walking, she loves moving around faster on her bike. She rides it inside the house and outside. Her brother and sister push her around too. She loves it! Im so glad I bought it. It was very easy to assemble. They even give you the tool to do it. One of my best purchases for her!
Sylvia wilinski
> 3 daySo east to assemble
Joyce Demo
Greater than one weekThe height of the bike made it easy for our grandsons feet to touch the floor. Very sturdy!
Andres Ramirez
> 3 dayEs un juguete bastante simple y sencillo en el buen sentido.
Deb Klebanoff
> 3 dayVery easy to put together. If baby scoots along in a fairly forward direction, it is sturdy enough. But it could be a tipping problem until baby gets used to it. Still a solid toy and wed buy again.
Momo Fang
Greater than one weekBought it for my 9 month old angle who is about to learn walking. My daughter just ride on her cute first bike as soon as I gave it to her! She did fall off a few times at first, but then used to it very fast. I have to say the bike do help her stand and walk more stable, which does its job very well. The bike itself looks well made and very cute, and the assembly was nothing. Although the instruction says it must be assembled by an adult, I believe a five years old boy can do it all alone. Overall, a very nice purchase. Would recommend to other mothers.
> 3 dayBike is great, my daughter loves it, very easy to drive. And it was nice to find stickers inside, so you can put your baby’s name on bike, very thoughtful, thanks!
> 3 dayCute as can be, can see this being ridden around a ton, easy to install, looks like itll be pretty tough
Virginia conklin
> 3 dayLiked that it was easy to put together