XIAPIA Baby Balance Bike Toys for 1 Year Old Boy Girl Gifts, 10-24 Month Toddler Balance Bike with 4 Silence Wheels, No Pedal Toddler First Bike, First Birthday Gifts Christmas for Boys and Girls
Darin J. Rebhahn
> 3 dayAbsolutely love this cute little trike. It is just the right size for our 14 month old granddaughter. We love the safety feature of the handlebars only moving about 20 to 30 degrees to either side which keeps her from tipping over and falling off the trike.
Pirate Farmer
> 3 dayLoved this for my one year old grandchild. It’s exactly what it says it is. It’s perfect for his size. He’s still working on getting it to go forward.
> 3 daySturdy
Deb Klebanoff
> 3 dayVery easy to put together. If baby scoots along in a fairly forward direction, it is sturdy enough. But it could be a tipping problem until baby gets used to it. Still a solid toy and wed buy again.
Sherri Hanigan
Greater than one weekSo cute and easy to assemble! My 1-year old grandson hopped on and started scooting around in a snap. His 3 1/2 year old brother even had to try it. I held my breath, but it supported his weight with no problem. As a bonus, I had it assembled in just a few minutes. I highly recommend this little jewel as a first bike for toddlers!
> 3 dayThis was really cute for a birthday party
> 3 dayThis is the second balance bike I have bought as gifts. My 1-year grandson couldnt wait to get on this and ride his new bike. As soon as it was assembled he got on it and started making zoom noises and rode it around the yard. He was so happy. It was very easy to assemble, just the right height and it is sturdy. I bought one for my granddaughter (a different family), 2 years ago, when she turned one, and she still rides it, plus her older siblings like it too. Perfect gift for a 1-year old!
> 3 dayMy Grandsons favorite toy he loves it!
> 3 dayCute as can be, can see this being ridden around a ton, easy to install, looks like itll be pretty tough
> 3 dayVery easy to assemble but not worth the price. You can find a brand named toy for much cheaper. My one year old doesnt understand to use his feet to move the tricycle. Its a nice toy but not much for $$$.