The Original Croco Ultra Lightweight and Sturdy Balance Bike. 3 Models for 2, 3, 4 and 5 Year Old Kids. Unbeatable Features. Toddler Training Bike, No Pedal. The lightest and Most Equipped
Dr. Lenora Hand
> 3 dayI got this for my son for his 2nd birthday. He’s had it for 2 months now and it is his favorite toy! He goes straight for it when we go outside and prefers to ride it over power wheels or tricycles. It took him a few weeks to get the hang of it but now he takes off! His brother has a strider balance bike and of the two I would definitely recommend the croco. It is much lighter which is great and otherwise the same thing for a much better price.
Brian Sinden
> 3 dayWe have had these bikes for only a few weeks and already we can see improved balance from our oldest. He is 5 and has been in occupational therapy to build his core muscles and loosen his hip joints caused by sitting in a W. When he first got the bike he would hunch over the handle bars to maintain balance, now he sits up straight and zooms around the cul de sac with his younger brother. Both my boys love to ride their bikes, we get out on walks almost on a daily basis and if given the chance they would ride for hours. Great confidence booster and I believe it will help both of them when they move up to a regular bike.
Greater than one weekGifted a little girl who lives purple. Perfect for her as she can lift it at only 2 years of age
> 3 dayI got this balance bike for my daughter. Its very easy to assemble, but the package was missing a missing non-critical piece. The seller quickly mailed me the missing piece. My daughter likes the bike. We both like its light weight for its convenient to carry around.
> 3 dayHas been great for our 2.5 year old. We do a little bit every day that we can. She is more motivated when other kids walk with us. Have had it for a few months during the hot TX summer and she is gaining strength and confidence. I try to start her on a downward slope, even small ones. She went halfway around the block the other day before stopping. And she also recently hopped on her tricycle and just started pedaling on her own down the driveway. Even though she didnt go far, just down the slope of the driveway, she had the hang of the back and forth motion of pedaling that she didnt grasp before. I know this is because of the balance bike practice. Ths croco bike is great. Holds up well and is super lightweight. When she is tired, Im able to carry her, piggy-back, and the bike back to the house. We got the purple one with the bell and she loves it. I showed her videos of other kids learning how to ride balance bikes while we waited for it to be shipped. The seat and handle bars are easy to adjust. So glad we made this purchase!
> 3 dayMy little one loves her bike, thanks to the light weight she can focus just on balancing and controlling the bike. I think a balancing bike is the right bike to start teaching your kids how to right a bike and I highly recommend The Croco because of the quality and also the good price. We had also an older version of this one and after some rough and long use, We had a problem with one of the wheels, we contacted costumer service and they were AMAZING. They responded my email in less than 48 hours and help us fix it even though it was the old version.
Major Howell
Greater than one weekGot this for my granddaughter for her 3rd birthday and she loves it.
Barbara LaScola
17-11-2024We ordered this for our grandson. It was super easy to assemble. There were washers missing so I messaged the manufacturer as per the directions in the manual. Their response was almost Immediate and along with a reassurance the washers would be sent out the next day. When they arrived there was also a gift of apology. This company truly went above and beyond.
> 3 dayThis is a perfect first bike for a small child. Fully adjustable and easy assembly. When the box arrived one of the tires was wonky, bent and off kilter, probably from the extreme heat wave we were experiencing. One call to customer service and tracking information was emailed to me within an hour and the new tire arrived in less than 48 hours. I will definitely purchase from this company again.
> 3 dayI did a lot of comparison shopping before deciding to go with the Croco balance bike. Our 2 yr. old grandson loves it! It is so lightweight that he can handle it by himself no matter what he is doing with it. It is his most favorite thing to do. He will ride for hours. When we backed over it with our truck and busted the front wheel off, we emailed Croco to find out if we could buy replacement parts and they responded quickly. Within 2 hours we had a new wheel in the mail for FREE! Amazing customer support, so glad we chose this brand for his bike!