TurboSke Toddler Kids Bike Helmet, Multi-Sport Helmet Size Adjustable for Boys and Girls
Greater than one weekI bought a balance bike for my 2 yr old son who immediately fell off going down a hill (daredevil). Im so glad he was wearing this helmet otherwise we probably would have had to go to the ER!
Noelia Ondricka
> 3 dayI bought this for my 3 year old, it fits him perfectly and he likes to wear it. It provides great coverage and is very easy to take on and off. It looks super stylish. I would buy this again.
> 3 dayGreat for a 9 year old, light and comfortable.
Jennifer Gard
> 3 dayThe helmet is perfect for my 3-year-old and seems to fit just right. I like the safety features and the fun, bright orange color. We are thrilled with the design and price of this helmet!
> 3 dayPerfect fit for my three year old. He doesn’t complain about it being uncomfortable, and I love that it helps keep him safe with no issues!
> 3 dayI got this for my 2 year old daughter who is big for her age. It is super light weight and the color is adorable. It was easy to put on and get fully adjusted to her size. I think this will last over a year and still fit her.