TurboSke Toddler Kids Bike Helmet, Multi-Sport Helmet Size Adjustable for Boys and Girls
Wesley Russell
> 3 dayMy son thinks it looks just like Daddys. That helps teach him to wear a helmet while riding. Though I measured his head before hand, it was really close to being too big. But it fits. Seems light and easy to put on.
17-11-2024I bought a balance bike for my 2 yr old son who immediately fell off going down a hill (daredevil). Im so glad he was wearing this helmet otherwise we probably would have had to go to the ER!
> 3 dayWe have two and i love them
Caitlin N
> 3 dayWe bought this helmet to replace a Joovy one that has been damaged in a bad bicycle fall. While it looks near identical it is unfortunately inferior in every way. It’s tightening dial regularly needs to be retightened, it doesn’t have proper inside padding to keep it from sliding around, and the straps slip and slide so you have to constantly re-center them. We will be purchasing the Joovy we had before that was much better quality.
K. Wright
> 3 dayGreat item. Sturdy and reliable
> 3 dayGreat for a 9 year old, light and comfortable.
The CPA’s Wife
> 3 dayThis helmet is perfect for toddlers. It’s very adjustable and unlike other helmets, my daughter doesn’t seem to itch at it or tug at it. It seems thick and padded and very safe.
Alexandrea Grant
> 3 dayMy 2 yr old gets so many compliments when he wears it. Definitely recommend.
> 3 dayMy twin grandsons are 2 1/2 years old and their sister is almost 4 years old. I ordered these helmets because they are starting to ride on ride-on toys. These helmets are sturdy enough for them. They are lightweight and fit their heads. The kids dont really care for them but they do wear them. Once they get use to them I think it will not be a problem. The price was a great value.
> 3 dayGot it a few days ago, it fits snugly, and its sturdy enough to provide protection for my kid. More importantly, my kid loves it a lot, she wants to wear it even she is not cycling, lol.