TurboSke Toddler Kids Bike Helmet, Multi-Sport Helmet Size Adjustable for Boys and Girls
> 3 dayThis helmet fits my 4 year old perfectly! Looks like it has a bit more room to grow too... The adjustable straps in the back is great
Carol P.
> 3 dayLight weight and good.
> 3 dayLooks a little large on a 3 year old and adjustment part broke after a few months. Seller contacted and sent replacement at no cost.
B. Liang
> 3 dayNice helmet, the cushion layer is thick. My kid is 2 years and 8 month, still a little big for him at the smallest adjustment. But it will be a good fit when he gets a bit older.
Nanci Dru
> 3 dayI bought this for my 2 1/2 year old. Its adjustable, so that she can grow into it, which is great. There is a band inside the helmet that adjusts and attaches to the helmet with Velcro. It fits her just fine and seems to sit on her head properly. Its very lightweight but seems pretty sturdy. There dont seem to be a lot of under-3 helmets to choose from. Id previously bought a different one that wasnt as sturdy and didnt fit. This one is much better.
Wesley Russell
> 3 dayMy son thinks it looks just like Daddys. That helps teach him to wear a helmet while riding. Though I measured his head before hand, it was really close to being too big. But it fits. Seems light and easy to put on.
Greater than one weekI purchased the blue helmet and overall the build quality seems good and it has labels that state it is approved for use in the United States in terms of safety. My concern was the adjusting head strap inside the helmet. It is attached to the helmet itself using Velcro stickers. The adhesive on the stickers is weak and just after a few uses the stickers were coming off the inside of the helmet. I am concerned that with extended use the velcro stickers would no longer hold the helmet and the adjustable headband together. Therefore although the price is goodand the overall quality of the helmet itself is good I did end up returning it to amazon. I purchased an equivalent helmet from a local store for $20. The headband in this helmet was actually built into the overall structure of the helmet rather than just being attached with velcro stickers.
Martha Morales
> 3 daySi, para mi nieto, espero le sirva. Gracias.
> 3 dayIt’s still a little big on my 2.5 year olds head but it’s better than nothing for protection. Great color and quality!
> 3 dayWe have two and i love them