TurboSke Toddler Kids Bike Helmet, Multi-Sport Helmet Size Adjustable for Boys and Girls
Chloe Bode
> 3 dayThis helmet fits like it should! Fully adjustable and great for both my 4.5 year old and nearly 3 year old. Used for biking and scooting. Previous helmets we’ve gotten would always slip back and didn’t adjust enough to stay in proper position. This will protect their noggins! Bright color also helps me see them as they zoom away!
david booth
> 3 dayGood value fits my 6 y/o good.
Greater than one weekSuper cute kids helmet and seems pretty well made so good so far!
> 3 dayI liked the lightness and sturdiness of this helmet. It was a gift for a toddler to go with her new bike. Very happy with it
Jill Totten
Greater than one weekThe adjustable strap made it a perfect fit for my 2 1/2 year old son. He wears it without complaint, so it must be comfortable! Seems sturdy and safe, so Im a happy mama!
Wilton Bartoletti
> 3 dayBaby has not used the helmet yet so complete review is not possible. We are unsure if she will tolerate it on her head.
> 3 dayGreat piece!
Greater than one weekSizing up as my wild, twin grandsons grow. They are active scooter/strider boys who take tumbles & keep on going. The smaller size helmets protected them over & over and I am sure these same helmets, sized up will do the same. Nothing like the feeling that your toddlers are safe.
> 3 dayI bought this for my average size 2 year old and it fits him well. It’s light weight and he doesn’t hate wearing it. Arrived earlier than expected.
> 3 dayMy little one put the helmet on immediately after I opened the package. She is so excited to wear this to ride her little bike. I can tell it is comfortable due to the light weight and she doesnt want to take it off. So cute. Color is as pictured.