TurboSke Toddler Kids Bike Helmet, Multi-Sport Helmet Size Adjustable for Boys and Girls
> 3 dayKeeps my child safe when learning to ride his bike. He has fallen several times, but each time his head is protected and I can rest easy with that knowledge. What more can a mom ask for?
Caitlin N
> 3 dayWe bought this helmet to replace a Joovy one that has been damaged in a bad bicycle fall. While it looks near identical it is unfortunately inferior in every way. It’s tightening dial regularly needs to be retightened, it doesn’t have proper inside padding to keep it from sliding around, and the straps slip and slide so you have to constantly re-center them. We will be purchasing the Joovy we had before that was much better quality.
Jill Totten
> 3 dayThe adjustable strap made it a perfect fit for my 2 1/2 year old son. He wears it without complaint, so it must be comfortable! Seems sturdy and safe, so Im a happy mama!
Wilton Bartoletti
> 3 dayBaby has not used the helmet yet so complete review is not possible. We are unsure if she will tolerate it on her head.
> 3 dayI was worried about buying an off-brand helmet.. but this thing delivers. My 18 mo has a 2t body and a 3t head. This helmet fits snugly and is easy to put on and take off without pinching.
> 3 dayMy toddler loves this helmet. She’s happy to put it on and carries it around with her even when she isn’t riding.That must mean it’s comfortable and it certainly is bright, shiny and cheerful. It’s easy to adjust for a good fit and seems sturdy and reliable.
> 3 dayThe high visibility green and orange colors are fantastic and very bright. The sizing mechanism takes a minute to figure out but it is very secure and has a head adjustment on the back similar to a hard hat. These are top notch and will protect your babies while the ride!
Jennifer Gard
> 3 dayThe helmet is perfect for my 3-year-old and seems to fit just right. I like the safety features and the fun, bright orange color. We are thrilled with the design and price of this helmet!
Greater than one weekSuper cute kids helmet and seems pretty well made so good so far!
18-11-2024I liked the lightness and sturdiness of this helmet. It was a gift for a toddler to go with her new bike. Very happy with it