Banana LT Balance Bike - Lightweight Toddler Bike for 2, 3, 4, and 5 Year Old Boys and Girls - No Pedal Bikes for Kids with Adjustable Handlebar and seat - Aluminium, EVA Tires - Training Bike
> 3 dayWe cant get our 2 and a half year old off this bike! He loves it! He picked it up right away and was balancing with his feet off the ground within an hour. After about a week I have to jog to keep up, so now I ride my bike with him which has him grinning ear to ear. We live on dirt roads and the tires hold up really well and prefer these to rubber anyway because it makes it light weight. My son can easily pick it up and move it around. I am sure Ill have to replace the bearings at some point, but believe we will be able to pass this bike to his sister when he outgrows it. For the price, you cannot beat this bike. Great value!
> 3 dayEasy to put together came with everything including tools and was well packaged. No damage. assembled in 15 mins
Gary Yu
> 3 dayPerfect bike before we start on a peddle bike
Tristan Granzin
> 3 dayThe first one I ordered got lost by UPS. The replacement shipped fine and works great.
Not happy
21-11-2024The box did not have any external damage from shipping. Purchased for a B-day and it was not rideable. Both wheels were warped out of the box. Thought were were getting a nicer one, should have bought the Walmart strider. Now making a late night run to Walmart so I have a present for my daughters birthday tomorrow. :( Wheels are plastic not aluminum.
> 3 dayBought for my son 3rd bday. He was able to navigate it right away. He loves it!
Tracy B.
> 3 dayWe bought this product for our 2 yr old son at Christmas... he rode it with ease indoors until weather permitted outdoor use. It has been amazing to watch him on it - he even keeps up with his older siblings in our cove. As he becomes more comfortable, I have actually noticed him lifting his feet slightly and coasting as he learns to balance. He might just learn to ride with pedals sooner than his siblings. On another note, their customer service is awesome! My son had bike day at school and his teachers loved it so much they wondered about having a few for the preschool. We surprised them with three new bikes that each of our children took into them. One of them had a little trouble with a nut that wouldnt stay on, so I immediately reached out to the company asking for an exchange. Instead, the promptly sent a replacement free of charge that arrived within two days. I love this company for the product itself, but now I know the customer service is just as great!
Greater than one weekThis bike is amazing. Durable, easy to use, and a good looking take on a big kid bike. My son loved it. We got it two years ago and he still rides it. This bike has been packed in a suitcase and brought all over the country. It replaces a stroller when your out for a walk. The real benefit is that my son just got a pedal bike and rode it without training wheels in less than an hour. He taught himself by riding the balance bike.