Banana LT Balance Bike - Lightweight Toddler Bike for 2, 3, 4, and 5 Year Old Boys and Girls - No Pedal Bikes for Kids with Adjustable Handlebar and seat - Aluminium, EVA Tires - Training Bike

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98 Ratings
  • Robert B

    > 3 day

    Bike is great, my 3 year old loves it but unfortunately after a slow fall the front wheel broke apart. I took it to a bike shop to see if it can be repaired, but due to how its built they said its unrepairable. So unless I can find a replacement wheel, the bike goes to the garbage.

  • Britney Smith

    Greater than one week

    I LOVE how easy the Banana LT bike is to assemble! My son recently turned two, and this is his first time on two wheels! He is getting the hang of it super fast! The seat is adjustable so he will be able to use it for as long as he needs. Also love how super light weight the bike is and it’s still very durable! My son can get on and off the bike without any help! He will be zooming with his sisters in no time!! Highly recommend this bike for your little ones. I spent so much time reading reviews and trying to pick the perfect one and I’m so happy I went with this one!

  • J

    > 3 day

    I grew up loving everything bike related. I raced BMX, got heavily into street/freestyle, loved backwoods and downhill mountain biking. So when it was time to get our son his first bike, I was a little excited, but resistant towards this type of bike. I was wrong to be resistant. My son went from cautiously scooting, to fast stepping, to coasting balanced with his legs up in a matter of a week. The spills he took were from a lower position so they were easier to overcome. A year on now and he is ready for a bigger bike with pedals, but the confidence and skills he picked up so quickly with this bike will serve him well with his new one. Tip: 1) we let our son ride the bike in the basement during the winter and set up little driving courses. HOWEVER, the wheels arent normal rubber wheels so when they take turns too fast they do run the risk of the wheels sliding out from under them. Scuffing the wheels up a little helped but ultimately there is no substitute for rubber wheels. The company website has traditional rubber wheels you can buy.

  • Edgar cortes

    > 3 day

    I loved this for my 2 year old. It’s light enough that she doesn’t struggle with the weight of it. the handle bars can be turned to be closer or further away from her which means she doesn’t struggle to reach them.

  • L Kumar

    > 3 day

    The bike is a great size for our 2year old. I gave 4 stars because we ended up with duplicate gifts and when I tried to return this there was a fee to return. I ended up having to ask the person who gifted the other balance bike for the receipt so I could return their gift. Wasn’t a major issue but not ideal. Otherwise the product is good & our 2 year old loves playing on the bike.

  • Visa

    > 3 day

    This is a very good bike and my son loves it. He can also balance for 5 to 6 seconds. But the seat and handle bar keeps moving which causes them to be misaligned. The instructions could be a bit clearer on how to keep them intact. But this is a only an inconvenience and I like how my kid enjoys this bike.


    Greater than one week

    Easy to put together came with everything including tools and was well packaged. No damage. assembled in 15 mins

  • Carlos Maldonado

    > 3 day

    My son loves his bike. He started to used it when he was 2. Easy to learn Durable Easy to assemble Some cons: No stars deducted - The metal coming our the tire can do some floor damage. My son love to ride his bike even inside the house and that is OK with me. - Tires seem to not last very long. We have since July 2017, and it already need new tires. I personally love this bike and what it did for my son since he was 2 years old. He has his balance more than dominated by now. He goes down hill and put his legs up and just ride.

  • Lauren

    > 3 day

    Was extremely excited to gift this to my 2yr old for his birthday and when I went to assemble it I found I was missing the domed bearing which is an essential part. Both my husband and I have tried contacting Banana Bike via their online form about a month ago and we still haven’t heard back from them about replacing the missing part. I am super bummed that I spent money on a product that I cannot even put together and also that we were unable to gift our kid their “big” present for their birthday. ☹️

  • Haley Nichols

    > 3 day

    This has been the absolute best bike! Santa brought it for our two year old at Christmas. He absolutely loves it and has taken to it very well and very fast. It was very easy to put together. He currently makes motorcycle noises and rides it as fast as he can. It is extremely sturdy. I have been letting him ride it in the house because it is cold outside. The foam wheels do not leave any marks or scuffs on our hardwood floors. Initially, I was concerned about foam vs. rubber wheels. I am happy we went with foam. It is a hard foam that allows for shock absorption, but we never have to worry about flat tires.

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