Radio Flyer Air Ride Balance Bike, Toddler Bike, Ages 1.5-5 (Amazon Exclusive), Toddler Bike
> 3 daySuper easy to put together. I was a little disappointed to find that the wheels are plastic (I thought they were rubber), but I dont think that will really impact the usefulness of the bike. As far as size/height recommendations ....... this was a birthday gift for my two year old. I dont know his height, in inches, but I do know that on his birthday he was in the 75% for height, and the bike is still a bit too big for him. If he sits on the seat, at its lowest setting, he can only touch the ground with the tips of his toes. I suspect that he will grow into by the time hes 2 1/2. If I had it to do all over again I would still purchase this bike. I think it was a good spend.
Victoria Winslow
> 3 daySturdy and excellent quality for reasonable prices.
Mary Sikora
> 3 dayThe ad states the bike has rubber air filled tires. I was sent a bike with foam tires. From reading other reviews this seems to be a common problem. Had option to return the wrong one and get the rubber tire bike, but should have been done correctly the first time.
Mary Ramirez
> 3 dayThere was no wrench included to put handle bars on - had to wait to complete assembly - had an anxious child waiting to ride!!
Amanda L.
> 3 dayI got this after I met a mom in our park who had a 3yo who was riding a two wheel bike. I asked what her secret was and she said it was a balance bike. I ordered one and it took my 4yo a few weeks to get on board with using it, but she loves it now. She likes riding on two wheels like her big sister. Plus, it has a bell so that makes it cool.
19-11-2024Perfect for the little ones to learn balance on before riding a bike. Grandson loved it. His little sister is using it now
Jen H
> 3 dayThis balance bike is nice, and the air tires are very nice for the price point. It was simple to assemble and is light enough that my kids can move it around without any problems. I wish that the handlebars were adjustable, and the seat post was a little longer, but this isnt an expensive bike, so youre not going to get everything you want. Both my 3 year old twins and my 4.5 year old have no trouble riding this. There are the expected minor scratches that have occurred to all the balance bikes we own, but the vinyl on the edge of the seat split the first time my son put it on the ground. Its still totally usable, but I was a bit disappointed. These have no way to stand up, so theyre going to end up on their sides. It would have been nice if the design protected the more fragile components better. Our wooden Radio Flyer balance bike and our GOMO balance bike seem to be a bit better designed in that respect, but they both have their own quirks. All in all, a very decent balance bike if you want to spend under $90.
Melissa Putikka
> 3 dayVery happy with this bike. Purchased one for both our kids and Im happy with the quality especially for the price! They are actually a little bigger, so my two year old isnt quite big enough to sit on the seat but likes to stand on it. Seats are adjustable so that worked great for our four year old. Id definitely recommend!
> 3 dayCan’t wait to let my daughter ( turning 3) see her big surprise on her birthday!! This arrived beautiful Lu packaged (great attention in using less water like cardboard or plastic) everything was pristine upon assembling. This company knows what they’re doing. Don’t bother with competitors, I did and I regret not buying this one first! The prices are very similar and this quality impressed me. Also it has its own warranty when you register your product. Don’t let this deal pass you by!!!!!!!! We ordered the pink bicycle and it was beautiful!!
> 3 dayAfter trying out a larger pedal bike with trainers for our 3 year old we decided to get this little balance bike. It was a great idea. Our son was frustrated with the bigger bike, couldn’t manage it because it was to heavy, and we would end up pushing him...a lot. With the balance bike, he is pushing along and enjoying the ride a lot more. Not to mention he has already started gliding on it. But he still loves it! He’s a tall 3, but the fit is perfect. Definitely recommend as a first bike.