Radio Flyer Air Ride Balance Bike, Toddler Bike, Ages 1.5-5 (Amazon Exclusive), Toddler Bike
Cathy Agler
> 3 dayThe balance bike for my granddaughter was perfect. Easy to assemble, very sturdy and light weight. It is perfect and we love it.
Nikki OBrien
Greater than one weekI got this for my 1 1/2 year old only 2 months ago and he’s already flying down the sidewalk and lifting his feet up! I’m so happy with this purchase!
> 3 dayWas easy to assemble and was out the door in 20 min. Airless tires provide a smooth ride and it’s easy to adjust the seat for my little guy till he gets to a comfortable height to step and take off. Plenty of room to raise until he’s ready for a pedal bike Update: after a couple weeks on the road the bike has proven successful at developing balance and gliding habits but the front fork design is a weak point held together by tension on one bolt. Kids will invariable stumble and fall and this causes the handle to get misaligned to the wheel. Good luck tightening again when you’re out in the park with no tools.
> 3 dayThis bike is adorable and everything I wanted it to be. We are having trouble with the easy instructions that the handle bars go in the slot then you tighten the clamp thing and yet the handle bars would turn and not the tire....I did and redid it several times then finally my husband did it and it seems to have worked.
Kitty Cat
> 3 dayBought for my grandsons 3rd birthday. He loves this little bike! You can hear the little bell ringing everywhere he goes. It took me less than five minutes to put the handlebars and the seat on it. The bell was already attached and so were the wheels. Its lightweight, but sturdy. Radio Flyer is my go to brand. We have the rocket scooter and the foldable tricycle. Less than fifty dollars for a well constructed balance bike. Thanks!
P. Castillo
> 3 dayI would recommend it.
Diana R
> 3 dayI missed return window because this was ordered for a Christmas gift for my grandson. On Christmas Day we were disappointed to find the bike with warped rims, wobbly wheels, and flat tires. We watched videos on how to start a toddler on the balance bike and learned most of the bikes have brakes. This bike does not have a brake.
Elizabeth Bearden
> 3 dayOur bell was broken and you can push it on but every time the bike is laid down it falls off. Also, it was covered in a strange rust or mud under the plastic cover. It’s as if moisture got in and rusted the inner handles and the rust dust blew out all over bc the bars. Idk that’s my best guess. It wiped off but I think it’s rusted inside.
Joshua Kempen
> 3 dayThis is a great buy. The bell is cheap and fell apart but the bike itself is great. My son loves it just gotta convince him to ride his real bike now
Amanda Musser
> 3 dayMy 2 year old hasnt quite figured it out yet, but my 4 year old and even 6 year old love taking turns with this balance bike. Study, good quality, this was a worthwhile purchase.