Radio Flyer Air Ride Balance Bike, Toddler Bike, Ages 1.5-5 (Amazon Exclusive), Toddler Bike

(378 reviews)


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98 Ratings
  • Ricardo

    > 24 hour

    I bought this for my youngest and she loves it.. she rides it around the house. The bell is a fun addition to the bike and fun for her to ring. My oldest also likes to get on it when it is not being used.... would recommend for a family and great for inside and outside use

  • Madison

    > 24 hour

    My Nephew is 2.8 years old and looooves this bike! Its perfect for his size and he can use it for a while before he grows out of it.

  • Molly W

    > 24 hour

    Easy to put together and seems pretty sturdy. Unfortunately it was too big for my 2 year old. The plastic tires also make it look very cheap

  • Andrea R

    > 24 hour

    I would recommend the Radio Flyer Balance Bike to anyone wanting a bike that will help a child learn to ride a bike. I bought my grandson a bike with training wheels when he was three, but it took a long time for him to figure out how to move the pedals. I bought him a balance bike on April 5th of this year. It took him just a few days to figure out how to make this bike go fast. Three weeks after riding the Radio Flyer bike he was going down hills with his feet up and balancing it the entire time. On May 2nd his dad decided to take off his training wheels on his bigger bike, and after 30 minutes he was riding up and down his street on his big bike without training wheels. Its incredible to see him riding without training wheels at 3 1/2 years old. Hes also a smaller child, but a very determined little guy! I wanted to buy him a balance bike the first time, but my daughter and her husband wanted a bike with training wheels. Now that they see what he has done, they believe in the concept of the balance bike. I am so glad that I decided on the Radio Flyer. It was inexpensive compared to so many others, but the quality for the price was remarkable. I wanted the air tires and they proved to be the best! He still loves riding his Radio Flyer even though he has mastered the bigger bike. He absolutely loves the bell too! You cant go wrong with Radio Flyer!!!!

  • Samantha Prewitt

    > 24 hour

    Purchased this balance bike because he was getting too big for his 1st one. Super easy to put together, appears to be holding up very well. He can pick it up and move it however he wishes. His big boy bike he still asks to be turned around but not this one. Great purchase for sure!

  • Reader

    > 24 hour

    The seat didn’t stay up at first, but then I figured out you have to twist the clamp before securing it. These are perfect, just wish they could do 1-2in shorter so my son could ride his. Guess he will have to watch his sister until he grows that little bit.

  • Judy

    > 24 hour

    This came packaged very well. No scratches on the bike at all. It went together very easy. The only problem I had was with the tire stems, I couldnt get the cap off until I googled how (you have to push down and turn counter clockwise). The little birthday boy loved it.

  • Susan Benner

    > 24 hour

    Cute bike; however when it arrived, there rear tire would not hold air. Had to pay to have it repaired. Disappointing

  • Keyleigh

    > 24 hour

    Good bike for learning on. Bought it for our two year olds birthday. He is still a bit short for it. It is very light weight. Biggest issue is that even with proper tightening, the handlebars still move around quite easily. Love the added bell!!

  • JK

    > 24 hour

    I didnt take the time to read any reviews (last minute Xmas gift) so I did not realize there is no footrest on this bike. Other balance bikes allow the kid to scoot up to speed and then rest their feet on something while cruising. This one requires the kid to execute an isometric hold to keep their feet from dragging on the ground. Good for building up their quads, but not ergonomically comfortable. For the parents, I would say the instructions are exceedingly simple but the unit I got was nearly impossible to assemble without some adjustment with a wrench. The hole that the handlebars go into on the frame was way too small and I had to pry it open manually to make the pieces fit. Not cool at all.

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